Not Bad, Needs UI Work
Not a bad reincarnation of MenuWeather (if you forgive the cryptic name change). Biggest objection is that the font size is almost unreadably small, especially in the flyout windows when you mose over a particular day to view details of the extended forecast. Preferences need to include some color/contrast options as well as a way to include extended forecast details inline at the main window level rather than in a flyout or odd crawler text. Lost in translation: selectable icon sets, and the highly useful option to customize displayed forecast items. Also: We now have Facebook and Twitter icons adding clutter to the otherwise nicely minimalist interface (fix: you can delete these in package contents/resources if you know what you’re doing). These social icons serve no weather function and should be hidable in the preferences. MenuWeather users waited a long time for this promised new version. I’m glad it’s out and seems to be working, but its still not up to speed. That said, not a bad start—assuming we don’t have to wait months for the next version release and that that release addresses the issues cited here. FOR THOSE GETTING RED EXCLAMATION MARK IN THE MENU BAR AND CRASHES: Make sure you don’t have Little Snitch, firewall, or other network filter denying Orbis access to the weather server.
must have coffee about