Update for version 5.0; Much Improved: OLD: Poor application behavior, developer doesn
Significantly improved, but still some work to do.
Thankfully, the update seems to have eliminated the freeze and process lock problems that plauged the previous verison and has also improved the interface draw issues.However, there are still some obvious bugs to fix:
1. the (-) does not seem to remove a location (intermitent; sometimes works, sometimes does not) . A must to be able to reduce extra alerts see bug 2
2. Often grabs focus and displays the full menu to alert you even with all of the alerts turned off on the appropriate prefences tab
3. When adding locations (+) some significant menu drawing bugs (solid blue boxes and transparent gaps; however they correct themselves the next time you click the icon to paint the menu
4. Occasional process crash after clicking the x in the about orbis box.
Kudos to fixing the most significant issues; hopefully minor bug fixes will add polish in the near future.
Old version:This app presents itself wonderfully when it works, but for the last 6-8 months it has been prone to locking up repeatedly (guaranteed to), failing to update weather information, or pegging CPU. It is poorly behaved or has not been updated to function properly with 10.8. The developer awknowledged the problem to me some time ago in an email, but doesnt appear to have made any progress resolving it. Money wasted.
You will have to open terminal and kill the process once it locks up. Here is a quick line to grab the correct process number and whack it for you: (note the marks before ps and after the $2] are the ones next to the one key (with tilde).
kill -9 `ps -aef | grep eather | grep -v -e grep | awk {print $2}`
Chanhassen Mike about